Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Whoo Ha... I went to a great show the other night!


Thanks to good friends, I recently found out about this talented band and wanted to let y'all know about them. Original songs, and if you've never seen a violinist plug it in and use the "wah-wah" pedal.... it's amazing.

From their press page: "Contradictory (their first album) is a collaboration of lively and talented musicians....if your attention isn't caught by the soothing vocals, great acoustics, or funny lyrics, then you, my friend, should check to see if you're still breathing."
-Veronica Ramos Space City Rock Houston, TX

The Lucas Cates Band is based in Madison, and gaining recognition across the nation quickly. See their website (click here) for Madison shows, tour dates and locations.

Tonight they are at the Cardinal Bar. If you missed it, they'll be back in Madison in July, after their Kentucky, South Carolina, and Georgia tour.