Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rowdy and Rainy - clips from their first DVD

These are from a DVD I made with Requisite Variety last year in July. You may notice in the first one that Rainy (my gray mare) is not stepping under her body fully. Since the filming, I began to use massage with my horses (with guidance from Barb Riffle,) and have noticed a dramatic improvement in their movement and attitude. Of course, who wouldn't benefit from a couple of massages each week?
Thanks to my parents, especially dad (Wes Licht,) who brought me up with horses and ponies as part of our lives. My dad's father taught him to ride and work with horses at a young age as well.
This last one features Rainy in her Fairytale costume. She is a Unicorn, I'm a Princess, and I'm carrying a Frog Prince sitting on a little throne. Can you can figure out what makes the Frog move?
It ends with Rowdy pulling a sled on one of the rare snowy days last year. It was remarkably cold that day.