Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Where are you now?

 Hello!!  This little blog has been trapped in time, as I moved into some more directions and sort of didn't get around to adding to it.
Have you looked back and asked, "Wow, what has changed for me in the past 3 years?"  And, "What would I like in the next 3 years?"  
I moved from Wisconsin to Arizona with my horse.  There are tons of beautiful photos and some videos at my FB page if you 'd like to see those.
I joined House of Cirque in Phoenix and did some really amazing stilting gigs with new costumes!  You can find some of those photos there.

In Other News:  I HAVE MAGIC HANDS!!
I've been learning more energetic techniques, with horses, and with people.  One of my favorites are the Access Bars®
To find information about that, please visit

My last visit to Costa Rica was 3 years ago, and during that visit I made art from ocean driftwood.  I played with horses.  And I found pieces from an old Chess Set that I made years ago, now being used as paperweights in one of my favorite restaurants, Cafe Playa Negra and Hotel

As I write this, I'm 30 minutes from calling the Uber to get a lift to the airport and see my friends in Playa Negra, Costa Rica again!   This time I'm teaching a class on the Access Bars® (Wahoo!!) and offering sessions in Energetic Facelift®   Also I've got my little puppets and an assortment of ideas and art supplies to follow what would like to be created.  

What adventures are you creating?  
Is there anything that has been stopping you?  
Would you like to how I kicked a 35 year struggle with depression and how it's been TOTALLY DIFFERENT since then?  Please see my site about Access Bars ( if you're curious.  Also, if you're finding this and have any questions, you can reach me by phone, email, or Facebook message.  
Wishing you joy and ease in the adventures of your life.
Sara Licht (608)215-5200

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Green Fairy Stilt Costume

Foshizzle Presents and Dobra Tea threw another one of their ultra wonderful events, this time at James Madison Park, in Madison Wisconsin, and I used this opportunity to whip up a new idea for a costume.
This one was very simple to make - I used the drywall stilts from the "Scary Tree" costume (see post below) and made the leg coverings out of green drapes I found at Savers.  The wings are from 2 different shades of green sheer curtains and I stitched in little wire extensions on the ends.  The little banners are so simple - strips of Ty-vec on the end of bamboo sticks.  The theme was just basically "green" and I was thinking about the healing feeling of the various shades of green as I made it.  After this party, someone said, "Oh hi, were you the Fairy?" so now this one will be called "The Green Fairy" stilt costume.

Thanks to Dobra Tea and Foshizzle presents for another good-vibe event!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ice Sculptures? Not quite....

In the spring of 2012 I heard about a contest called "Off The Roll" sponsored by Scotch Tape.  Here are my creations, with the video about how I made them below.  It took longer than anticipated to finish them, edit the photos and compile the video for submission - just 15 minutes after the deadline, oops! It was a really great experience, and funny to see the horses interacting with the sculptures.

Click here to view the 3 minute video on how I made the sculptures.

Monday, November 5, 2012

"Scary Tree" costume Halloween 2012

For Halloween 2012 I started thinking about this costume in August. In October I gradually sewed and assembled all the parts, got the drywall stilts a week before (to practice walking in them) and it came together minutes before Halloween weekend.  What fun! This costume is the most fun of any I have created, and people said that it added ambiance to the parties we were at.  

The "Scary Tree" costume was invited to a classroom at a local school, where approximately 15 brave  three-year-old children learned how it was made and saw me putting in on in steps.  They affirmed along the way, "I'm not scared!!!"
Little skull ornaments for the headdress and bodysuit.  I shaped these out of Sculpey and then painted them.
The costume including the headdress stands almost 10 feet tall, with the arm extension "branches" reaching a span of almost 10 feet as well.  Ghost hunters might notice the strange orb which did not show up in any other of the many photos that were taken from the same angle with flash.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

These stilt-walkers are something I made this Halloween.  It took 60+  hours of research and construction.  The major source of inspiration was a video I found on YouTube by Garen and Melissa called "4 legged stilt costume - handmade"
 I will add more photos and videos of our test runs and show I the bodies were built.  They are built up with foam and surprisingly light!  Below are some of the  early steps in the creation.

Thanks also to CricketBoy Studios for the informational video called "How to Build and Walk on Stilts."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winter is for Wacky and Wild Art Making

There are still a few more winter months left, and this is the time for making art. Do you have a parade coming up in the spring? Maybe you will need a giant puppet! For a child's party, sock puppets can be pre-made or used as an activity for kids to create their own. Maybe you have an idea for 2010 Halloween....I can make a wonderful costume for you. Yes, Halloween is a long way off, however if you wait until August or September I may be too busy with horses. Now is the time for making art!

Here is a photo sample of some of my creations including sock puppets, Giant puppets, costumes and such. There are more photos of various costumes I've made coming....I need to find help to do this project! I can make these sorts of things for you, or make a construction of your own brilliant idea. I love to make things, so let me help with my years of experience.

********* My newest passionate idea: to learn to make beautiful and functional SWIMMABLE Mermaid Tails!! I've been doing the research and have plans on how to create a couple different prototypes.

Last fall while I was interviewing in Florida for my horse training position and auditioning at Arabian Nights Dinner Theater in Orlando, I had the warm, outdoor pool all to myself one night. After getting bored of swimming laps, I began to play and thought: "If I were wearing a mermaid costume, would I drown?" So I practiced swimming with my legs stuck together, and no, I didn't drown. It was lots of fun. Hence the desire to make a really beautiful mermaid costume that you can swim in.

I am looking for a few people interested in participating in the creation of the first tails with an incentive of a price discount and of course you keep the mermaid costume.

Feeling like making your own costume/puppet/art? I can share tips on how to make any of the things you see here. Or call on me to custom make just what you desire.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rowdy driving in town

I'm back from Florida, and will be posting my horse training content to

This site will remain open and be updated for the art related projects and ideas that I do. Remember to visit the Murals section, all of those links are on the right hand column of the page.
My contact information is the same; please feel free to ask me questions about anything.

Here's a photo of Rowdy, my miniature, driving in Blue Mounds this spring. Rowdy is very happy in his new home (close to mine) where he has acres to run and graze with his fellow miniature friends. Miniatures must not have too rich of a diet. Rowdy's pasture has a good number of horses on it to keep the grass down so that no one eats too much.

***Note: after the evenings began to get cool (remember this past summer - when it was NOT hot?), the sugar content of the grass elevated and Rowdy had to say goodbye to the green pasture due to painful hooves. Sorry, dear. He recovered and has been doing fine. He gets a few bites of grass while on training breaks with Sara, and of course he still gets some carrot bites and vitamin snacks) 1/8/2010

Keep checking in here, and hope to see you at! Call or email me with questions about training or art.
Sara Licht

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Last Paintings before I move to Florida

Hey, did you know I've accepted a position in Florida? It will be to train beautiful warmblood horses while I get schooled in the art of Dressage. Valhalla Farm has gorgeous horses and a friendly crew. I am very excited about this opportunity to learn from such talented riders! Rainy will be coming down there with me. Click here to see their site.

Anyways, my last painting hurrah while here resulted in these fun images. You can see them at Absolutely Art on Atwood Avenue in Madison.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Paintings