Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Where are you now?

 Hello!!  This little blog has been trapped in time, as I moved into some more directions and sort of didn't get around to adding to it.
Have you looked back and asked, "Wow, what has changed for me in the past 3 years?"  And, "What would I like in the next 3 years?"  
I moved from Wisconsin to Arizona with my horse.  There are tons of beautiful photos and some videos at my FB page if you 'd like to see those.
I joined House of Cirque in Phoenix and did some really amazing stilting gigs with new costumes!  You can find some of those photos there.

In Other News:  I HAVE MAGIC HANDS!!
I've been learning more energetic techniques, with horses, and with people.  One of my favorites are the Access Bars®
To find information about that, please visit

My last visit to Costa Rica was 3 years ago, and during that visit I made art from ocean driftwood.  I played with horses.  And I found pieces from an old Chess Set that I made years ago, now being used as paperweights in one of my favorite restaurants, Cafe Playa Negra and Hotel

As I write this, I'm 30 minutes from calling the Uber to get a lift to the airport and see my friends in Playa Negra, Costa Rica again!   This time I'm teaching a class on the Access Bars® (Wahoo!!) and offering sessions in Energetic Facelift®   Also I've got my little puppets and an assortment of ideas and art supplies to follow what would like to be created.  

What adventures are you creating?  
Is there anything that has been stopping you?  
Would you like to how I kicked a 35 year struggle with depression and how it's been TOTALLY DIFFERENT since then?  Please see my site about Access Bars ( if you're curious.  Also, if you're finding this and have any questions, you can reach me by phone, email, or Facebook message.  
Wishing you joy and ease in the adventures of your life.
Sara Licht (608)215-5200