Harper , age 2, LOVES horses. Harper is my very dear friend. I was her nanny for a year, watching her through many milestones such as taking her first steps, first words, and saying my name :). Before she could walk, it became apparent that she was into horses. She woke up early from a nap one day while I had a video of Reiner Klimke playing, and she was RIVETED. These days she watches a Parelli promotional DVD each night before bed. She's very serious about it all.
This May Harper received a special gift from her Grandpa: her very own saddle! Yesterday Harper rode in her new saddle on Rainy sitting up there all by herself. When I asked Harper different questions, she usually answered with the word "faster." Click on the photos to enlarge them. Click the "play" arrows to see the videos.Here we are riding together with no saddle. We use a saddle pad so it's more comfortable for everyone. Harper has been riding horses with me this way since she was not quite 1 1/2 years old.