Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Police Clinic - in July...

Here's a little catch-up blogging. Remember when it was HOT outside? Dad, Holly, and I took horses to a Police Clinic and they got to play with many toys. There was a podium for the horses to stand on, a water hazard, barrels, scary suspended noodles, and much more. Rainy liked inventing new tricks, and she was rewarded with treats to encourage her creative behavior. We took the horses on a very short "trail ride" across the road to meet COWS. A very large barn full of cows were surprised to see us. Holly's horse was nervous at first but improved. Rainy was interested, not scared. She quickly snuggled in as close as she could to the cows and let them lick her nose. Even after seeing this, Dad's horse "Ranger" was not convinced that these strange animals should be trusted.