Monday, September 22, 2008

Lesson from Pat Fitzgerald

I brought Rainy to Pat's barn, and she helped me to feel what "pushing the horse up into your hands" feels like, and then she worked with Rainy while I watched. Rainy and I have both been building our abdominal muscles since this lesson! See the video clips below of Pat teaching me about this.

Previously I had been struggling with asking Rainy to carry her head in a prettier position using my hands (that's a common mistake but a no-no nonetheless) and in this lesson something finally clicked and I learned it happens from my LEGS, not my hands. I believe Pat had helped me with this a couple of years ago on another horse, but I had obviously forgotten it along the way.

A month or so later my dad, Wes Licht, and I shared a lesson with Pat as she helped us with our horses in driving. I am so grateful to have such a resource as Pat in our area. Plus she is lots of fun!
Pat travels giving clinics and lessons for people of all levels. She can be reached at(608)444-4486