Wednesday, January 9, 2008

mobile for school, giant puppets

This is the installed mobile at Toad Hill Preschool. It's about 5 feet across and 4' deep from top to bottom. I'm going to do a workshop at the school so the kids can enjoy making their own beautiful mobiles.

Here is the mobile unpainted, and the materials used to make it. I form wire shapes and glue artist's tracing paper over the wire. The pieces are translucent and warp into organic forms when the glue dries. Two paper-mache masks hang above the couch in the background.

These are giant puppets! They are Aliens for Peace, and they wear capes which feature a modern peace symbol. The puppeteer operates from inside the puppet, looking out from the belly through the fabric. The bottom arms are the puppeteer's and the top set of arms are controlled by holding the black rods. A friend and I wore these on State Street for Halloween and they were a huge hit.

These giants puppets would like to get out more often! You can rent them, or buy them, with the condition that they behave as peaceful aliens wherever they go. Now renting to the Madison area, $50 for the pair.

Coming in the near future....a video clip of the puppets in action.
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