Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mural for Brianna's baby room

Here is my latest mural painting.

Brianna created the entire idea for this mural, gathering images that she liked from different sources and tying it in with the floor rug that will go in the room. On the wall of tall flowers, her baby's crib will rest with the flowers and fairies looking over.

I'll post some nice photos when the room is set up with her furniture, curtains, etc. Her baby's name will be painted inside of the little heart when she is born.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Playing Piano with Liam

click the "play" arrow to see these videos of us playing piano together.

Liam has only one request: "TWINKLE STAR" and he doesn't think it's funny when I play variations or mess up! You might notice how he plays the keys in the correct rhythm of the song, very deliberately, just as Mozart did at this age.

I love seeing Liam. When he visits at my place he always requests to paint, and I love to bring out the art supplies for him.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ed arrives for training

This is Ed, a Morab gelding who is with me to learn to ride. His gaits are so nice, I'm very eager for when we'll be going under saddle!

His owner spent time doing groundwork and desensitising, and Ed is adjusting to being at a new place. He had never left his home until now, and it's pretty exciting. In between training sessions, Ed gets to graze in a pasture next to Rowdy and they enjoy each other's company.

Rowdy at the watering hole.

Going through water

Rowdy, my miniature wonder horse, goes through a big puddle left by the morning rainstorm. I am clicking too much because I'm holding the camera while I drive with one hand and can't reinforce with the whip. The other horses I worked with on this day (Chexi, Ed, and Rainy) also practiced going through water.

Below is a clip of Rainy cantering through the puddles, from the view on her back. It was hard work to slog through that wet sand!
Of course a rider would be looking up instead of at her neck.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Diesel's last day at Saddle Ridge

Diesel's owners came to my dad's place (Rockiing L Acres) for a lesson, to get more instruction on harness fitting and more experience driving. Then they all came to Saddle Ridge to drive Diesel one more time before taking him home. Diesel has been such a pleasure to train and many of the other boarders miss seeing him around. I rode him the day before, and he did very nicely at all three gaits, and actually seemed to enjoy it.

Jeff and Jillian have been coming out during Diesel's training, and have a good feel for harnessing and driving, and will do a good job with Diesel at their own place. Rowdy was sad to see Diesel go, and I've been spending extra time to console him.

You can browse the archived posts to see Diesel's progress over his time with me.

Harper riding Rainy outside

Press the "Play" arrow to see the video clips.

Harper, Rainy and I enjoyed a beautiful morning riding together. We are going to work on getting Harper's helmet to fit better. It was often falling down over her eyes, creating a riding lesson that was very much about "riding the horse through FEEL" because the helmet was blocking her vision at times. Thankyou to Rachael Ann, Harper and Dylan's super nanny, for these videos and photos of our lesson.

Rainy continues to amaze me with how relaxed and careful she is with kids. I am so happy that my horse likes children as much as I do.

Fun Show at 3-Gaits

This is Rainy in her first driving show!
Horse Camp with Tommie Turvey was excellent, and we were able to make it home in time to join everyone at the 3 Gaits show. She was very calm and willing.

In the first video, I am doing the obstacle course in the long lines. Next we do the same thing hitched to the cart. Notice how patient Rainy is when I get us out of our initial jam - we didn't knock any tennis balls over!

She also did some riding classes and 2 ring classes in driving. She place in several classes and we won the Reinsmanship Driving class in our division. I am so proud of her.

Morgans Fitzer and Reba driving

Here are Dolores and Lauraine driving their wonderful Morgans. Chuck rides along with Dolores and seems to enjoy it. I trained both of these horses to ride, and my dad, Wes Licht, trained Fitzer to drive. Lauraine has been training Reba to drive, and I've been helping out here and there with lessons.

Reba is Lauraine's chestnut mare and is new to driving this summer. She's starting to be more at ease and realizing that it's sort of a fun job because Mom gives you cookies when you stand quietly.

Lauraine has put in much good work longlining Reba, having her pull the tire, and working with other noisy things to prepare her for driving. These owners are very capable with their horses and do good work.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bareback cones with Rainy before "Horse Camp"

It's Tuesday, and I'm about to pack up the trailer and take Rainy with me to Tommie Turvey's "Horsemanship Camp" at the Wahl Equestrian Center, in Sterling Illinois. I am SO EXCITED!!!

Above are a couple of clips of us doing a cones pattern, bareback. I gave Rainy a couple of easy days in preparation for our trip. On the morning we did this exercise, it was hot and she was a bit sluggish, or maybe just hadn't woken up yet.
Rainy likes going to new places and meeting people. I am so excited about what Rainy and I may learn. I'm equally happy to get to spend lots of time with my horse. See you in one week!