Sunday, June 9, 2013

Green Fairy Stilt Costume

Foshizzle Presents and Dobra Tea threw another one of their ultra wonderful events, this time at James Madison Park, in Madison Wisconsin, and I used this opportunity to whip up a new idea for a costume.
This one was very simple to make - I used the drywall stilts from the "Scary Tree" costume (see post below) and made the leg coverings out of green drapes I found at Savers.  The wings are from 2 different shades of green sheer curtains and I stitched in little wire extensions on the ends.  The little banners are so simple - strips of Ty-vec on the end of bamboo sticks.  The theme was just basically "green" and I was thinking about the healing feeling of the various shades of green as I made it.  After this party, someone said, "Oh hi, were you the Fairy?" so now this one will be called "The Green Fairy" stilt costume.

Thanks to Dobra Tea and Foshizzle presents for another good-vibe event!