Monday, November 5, 2012

"Scary Tree" costume Halloween 2012

For Halloween 2012 I started thinking about this costume in August. In October I gradually sewed and assembled all the parts, got the drywall stilts a week before (to practice walking in them) and it came together minutes before Halloween weekend.  What fun! This costume is the most fun of any I have created, and people said that it added ambiance to the parties we were at.  

The "Scary Tree" costume was invited to a classroom at a local school, where approximately 15 brave  three-year-old children learned how it was made and saw me putting in on in steps.  They affirmed along the way, "I'm not scared!!!"
Little skull ornaments for the headdress and bodysuit.  I shaped these out of Sculpey and then painted them.
The costume including the headdress stands almost 10 feet tall, with the arm extension "branches" reaching a span of almost 10 feet as well.  Ghost hunters might notice the strange orb which did not show up in any other of the many photos that were taken from the same angle with flash.